Facility & Third Party Auditing

The Value of Third Party Audits

Third-party audits provide an invaluable component to the safety of the Quality Management   system. Independent companie audit programs provide literally thousands of independent checks and balances to the Quality Management system.

These audits are voluntary tools of the Quality Management system and are not meant to replace regulatory inspections. They are best described as professional service; a consultation activity that the facility can take advantage of the recommendations in full, in part, or not at all. The deficiencies observed in the audit report can be resolved to the satisfaction of the facility or the buyer of product from the facility through pre-arranged agreements or program enhancements. Examples would include announced or unannounced visits; reports to all interested parties; and follow up to resolve deficiencies through a variety of reporting methods.


One of the uses of third party audits is the training component for new and existing employees responsible for the actual day-to-day execution of the facility’s Quality Management system. Responsible personnel are encouraged to accompany the auditors/inspectors during the audit as well as the closing session. The training component is particularly important to small and medium size companies without a large corporate staff.